Recommendation for further reading

Montessori, M. (1965).Dr. Montessori’s own handbook: A short guide to her ideas and materials. New York: Schocken Books.

Montessori, M., (1965), The Secret of Childhood, Ballantine, New York.

Montessori, M., (1988), The Absorbent Mind, ABC-Clio Limited, Oxford.

Montessori, M., (1988), The Discovery of the Child, ABC-Clio Limited, Oxford.

Lillard, P. Polk, (1972),Montessori, A Modern Approach, Schoeken Books, New York.

Standing, E.M., (1957),Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work,New York: Penguin Books.

Hainstock, Elizabeth G., (1997),Teaching Montessori in the Home – the Pre-school Years. New updated edition. New York: Penguin.

Britton, Lesley., (1992), Montessori Play and Learn – A Parents’ Guide to Purposeful Play from Two to Six.London: Vermilion.

Berger, B. (1970). A comparative investigation of Montessori and traditional pre-kindergarten practices. American Montessori Society Bulletin, 8(2).

Jones, B. & Miller, L. (1979). Four preschool programs: Their lasting effects. U.S.; Kentucky, 15.

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